Hello there!
*disclaimer- this is being written on my iPhone-I will do my best to spell check but...*
Well, I did it! I was a vegan for 10 days! Outside of the half and half (for coffee) that I use on a regular bases, I really don't consume very much dairy, so I didn't need to make any drastic changes to my diet-which is a good thing! Trying to change too much too quick never bodes that well for long term change.
One thing that it DID do for me was allow to challenge myself to make some new recipes. I was getting lazy in the kitchen and needed a jump start!
If you read any of the last blog enteries, it's not hard to see that I became a fan of amaranth! I was popping the heck out of those itty bitty grains! However, I think I overdid the whole grain thing...I am finally realizing that my system does not support too many whole grains or nuts! Boo! Even when I soak nuts I feel really heavy and don't seem to process them in a timely fashion (if u get my drift). I will admit that I am a super snacker and think that if I was to be very careful with my portions that I might do better, But...maybe that's another blog:)
Okay, on with the break down:
Food Log
Popped Amaranth Crunch (made into cereal w/ Rice Milk)
1 Banana
Chopped Spinach Salad with oodles of raw veggies
Coconut Milk/Banana Smoothie
Pop Chips
Fresh squeezed OJ/Lime juice: )
1 hour road ride
Thanks for following along. I feel like I accomplished the goals that I set for myself. My energy level is WAY better than it was. I have definitely slept better and explored a few new recipes (although not quite as many as I wanted to). My intentions to keep the sugar levels on the down low and keep my energy level on the up and up are still strong! Keep checking in on Yumuniverse.com for new recipe more challenges!!!
Thanks again!
Beth McVay, CMT
American Massage Therapy Association memeber
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