Saturday, October 9, 2010

YU+ME=Clean, DAY 6 "The movie theater."

...I suppose technically I could have had the movie theater popcorn...its not meat, not dairy, its not gluten...but I guess its not exactly clean.  I think there's a ridiculous number of chemicals in those delicious yellow-orange popped kernels, and I really like it with the "butter" and the specific movie theater salt too; however,  I didn't want to put that crap into my body while I'm on a mission to get back to a clean diet.  I didn't exactly go without though, I picked up "Pop Chips" at Whole Foods before heading to the flick and crunched on those as my snack; )

Killer ride today and really good energy overall, especially during my ride!  I hit the trail for about 2 hours and felt strong the whole way. I completely love climbing hills!  Sometimes it takes my legs a little while to remember that they LOVE the burn, but not today.  I was in the zone from the get go!

I can definitely tell that eliminating a bunch of the processed foods that had wormed its way into my diet has bumped my energy level up a good bit.  This is no surprise.  Refined sugar and processed foods just make me feel so blah -  In only a handful of days I truly feel much more alert.  I think that eliminating the meat and dairy is really good too.  Although I don't take in a lot of these foods groups anyway, I think eliminating them all together allows that much more room for plant based foods.  

Alright, on with my report card for the day...

Food List
Decaf coffee w/ coconut creamer and agave
Apple quinoa cereal (breakfast and snack)
Coconut caribbean oat bars
Chopped Spinach, quinoa and veggie salad
Coconut milk latte (Robin R. that was at your suggestion, Mmmmm: )
Popcorn (home popped with coconut oil, at home, after movie) 
Pop Chips 

2 Hour sweet ride

7.85, getting really close to solar status

8, I haven't been restless AT ALL, Sa-weet!!!!!!!

Need to head to bed.  Another mountain bike ride is on the docket for the morning.


Beth McVay, CMT
American Massage Therapy Association member

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